Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New Dog Walk Downtown L.A. Flyer


Anonymous said...

Great pic of Dodger! Isis and I are looking forward to August walk.

Life as recess... said...
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Dog Walk Downtown L.A. said...

Thanks, see you both in a few days.

pet friendly said...

Enjoyed reading post on your blog.!

Anonymous said...

It has become a sad day in L. A. …when dogs rule people, these servants cater to these dogs like a dependent lackey. Evidently, these personalities are lacking in selfhood and civility. If only they could look past their own selfishness. They carry (their dogs) all around about town get under and in the way of people with their children trying to shop, enjoy themselves and simply have an outing without some filthy animal pissing $ sh---+ all under them. Leaving the wreckage of their passage. How crude, barbarous, unclean, uncivil, overbearing. How can anyone condescend beneath an animal that keeps its nose to the ground sniffing feces & urine…has it head to the ground and its @$$ to the sky, cost more than it’ s worth, plus the poor animal is completely out of place. Should be out in the country side where it can run and play. Not, forever walking on cement get arthritis because of some immature, selfish, non-sophisticated nutcase whom is suffering from the illusion that it is the rage of the day and their stupidity is fashionable. Learn to like and put people first…see then you wouldn’t have to look up a dogs asperillo.

My Dog Spot said...

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